Saturday, January 9, 2010

ONE DESIRE 'LifeStory'

Thinking about the theme of this retreat, I totally didn't expect that Pst. Andrew's teaching and preaching would be more about ourself. In fact the first 3sessions were totally confirming what God's been teaching me during the end of 2009 & entering 2010. The areas in my life that He wants to work on. Even in the first session when we learned about 'Wounds' and how our past experiences -the good and bad- do affect our lives and we should learn from them.

Wow!...Flashback 2weeks ago when God let me be confronted with my past and went through that miserable 'discussion' with my parents. It left me feeling more like a total 'vailure' than a valor =p And if it wasn't for God who gave me strength after the loving smack on the head i wudn't have come to my senses. I wud've made all the wrong desicion. Gosh, it wud've been a terrible beginning of a new decade.

We were given an exercise sheet where we would write down our whole life's phases, recognizing the chapters and remembering the highpoints n lowpoints of it, the events, the people that have affected and influenced us, all that stuff.
First I realized that I do have many beautiful childhood memories with my family, and God kinda restored n refreshed my love for them. I got to recognize important lifechanging events all the good and the bad.
I realized God really want me to deal with all these past because God wants to heal me. Becoz I guess only then my heart can be more free n I can truly make Him my ONE DESIRE

And throughout all that I was able to discover what I learned about myself and about God in every chapter of my life. I learned some good and bad things about myself too, which is good...I learned to understand the purpose and meaning of some things in the past that I wished had never happened. Even for the things that God allowed to happen that I don't know the purpose yet...I know I will one day.

The ONE THING we learned that 1st night is that
The Lord's covenant with His people overrides all of our wounds.
O YES...I am in a covenant with God...the Ever Faithful One. How awesome is that.
Or as I'll say : WORTH IT ALL =p

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